Our financial needs are great, and we will only continue to grow as we aim to provide more infrastructure, manpower, and services, to our local community. The need for reliable financial assistance has become very apparent, and that fundraising events alone can't begin to cover off our ongoing operational expenses.
We are hoping with the support from the commercial business sector we will be in a better position to create a solid and long-term plan. Creating strong and sturdy financial partnerships with local community business owners will be a game changer, and will create an enormous impact on our local poverty, hunger, and homelessness.
It's on the heels of this realization, and out of desperation, that we're now seeking twelve business owners to partner with us. Each business owner would be asked to donate $2,250 per month, for twelve months, for a total donation of $27,000.
We understand this is an ENORMOUS ASK, so we are ready with an ENORMOUS AMOUNT of recognition and gratitude.
Our Foundation team, and marketing volunteers, have constructed an involvement and recognition package that will be presented to interested donors. Additionally, potential financial partners will be invited to a private meeting to learn how their contribution will be part of solving a number of systemic issues throughout our local community.
“TULLOCH Engineering is delighted to come alongside The Table Foundation and help meet the very real needs of many members of our community with this financial contribution,” said Christine Tulloch, TULLOCH representative.“ Over the years of volunteering, we have come to realize that – in addition to assisting with acute, short term needs such as housing and food – The Table Foundation importantly addresses systemic issues such as poverty and homelessness as experienced by the whole of our community. That is why we’re at The Table of Twelve today.” Read More here.
‘The Table food bank has been focused on improving lives in our community for 10 years. They have organized an army of volunteers to deliver the increasing programs that they provide. The Table does an amazing job of lifting people up. They demonstrate care, compassion, and respect without prejudice,’ states Dr. John Koncan.
The Table of Twelve campaign is a Table Foundation initiative aimed at securing reliable financial assistance to cover off ongoing operational expenses of their six community services. The Koncans now join TULLOCH Engineering at the Table.
‘The soup kitchen, and now the men’s shelter, are providing services that are greatly needed here in Huntsville to offer dignity and encouragement. John and I are very excited to come along-side the volunteers and board members and join them at The Table of Twelve’, says Dr. Sharon Koncan.